Thursday, June 6, 2019

Finished First Album!

I don't know what it was. I was sleeping one day in April or May, and I just got up and started writing songs. I wrote 5 songs in 24 hours. And then soon I was at ten. Now I've got an entire album. Crazy Sexy Cool, the album which is my all-time favorite, has sixteen tracks, but FOUR of them are interludes. So, I would say that I should maybe have four interludes on my album. I've got some ideas.

But this was an amazing experience. To have the ability. I've actually tried to make an album before. I ways gave up after a few songs. Perhaps, this time was different because I was actually STUDYING words, instead of thinking that I knew it all. I don't know what it was. Maybe it's because this is something that I actually know. Something that I have intimate knowledge on, and I'm not just trying to fake coolness like with my previous albums (I was trying to be a Gangsta Rapper before. I didn't work out).

I want to write a hundred TI songs.

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