Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Who To Vote For?

Ultimately, I made a judgment call when voting for Trump. It was a decision that I was glad to make. At the time, nothing else seemed like a possibility. Trump just has a way of making himself last in your mind. It's amazing, really. The thing that I wish I knew was that a lot of the complaining that Republicans do is really fake.

Republicans spend a lot more time funding liberal causes than fighting them. Ultimately, it would take a different national outlook - or a different reality - for me to achieve that which I have set out to achieve. Something has to give, and I'm willing to make myself work hard to achieve that which I have set out to do.

First, I would say, when voting, follow your own principles. If you don't like whining, don't accept whining. If you vote for the whiner, that says more about you than them. Whining never helped anybody. It's work that makes life better.

Second, do some independent research. A lot of the time, whining only works on people who don't know the truth. If you know the truth about America/China relations, or America/World relations, you'll know well enough to see through the whining.

Why am I whining about whining? Well, I'm whining about whining to whine about whiners who drink wine and whine the whine of the times...

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