Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Section 8 Woes

What else can I do? The new is that Trump sent an executive order to Carson to raise the rents on Section 8. Everyone's doing a high-five on this one. To me, it just another example of Trump's brilliance. I don't like executive orders, but if we need to have them, this is the best one for me. 

Even as a poor person myself, I can see the advantage here. If I cannot come up with a way to not only survive, but thrive, then I shouldn't be alive. The thing that separates us from the animals is that we can evolve and adapt. If we cease to do so, by decree of government, then we cease to be human. 

Ironically, most of the people who laud welfare will never experience themselves. Your children get a check. Your children get food stamps. Your children live paycheck to paycheck.  My children get the executive suite. 

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