Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Kasich Was The Better Pick

I should've chosen Kasich. He was so mild-mannered, so accomplished. I chose Trump because he appeared to be saying what everyone was thinking. Of course, I behaved the opposite way that Trump did, but what did I know? I was a poor, broke loser with non family and no future. Success had to be the opposite of me, right? Well I was wrong. Trump talks a great game, but real life always catches up. The run up in stocks was deceptive at first. It seemed like he had this special "Winner's" DNA that I could not come close to.

But now the country is doing worse than 2008. Trump only added to the deficits. Trump looked like a dark horse, but really he was the establishment candidate. Anybody could've created that platform. Just read a conservative news website for a few months and you've got every element of Trumps platform. And that was part of the appeal, for me. He conformed to my biases, and he was RICH. I wanted to be rich more than anything at the time.

The beginning of Trump's presidency raised the eternal question: Do the ends justify the means? That's a hard question to answer, as a human, and a man. It's hard to answer that question because both are true. The ends absolutely justify the means. The original medicines were found by trying every poisonous, inert, destructive substance until, magically, somebody didn't die. All of this fancy scientific research we have now is just fluff compared to that.

But at the same time, no. The ends never justify the means. Trump will be so busy bailing out his accomplices and taking "deals" that he wont have the time or the energy - or the good will - necessary to push through my agenda. I wanted an end to welfare and affirmative action, but it's not going to happen this way. Success doesn't happen overnight. It happens with hard work and social skills, not a few tweets and a trial.

I'm sorry Kasich. From now on, you're my model for a Republican president.

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