Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Shutdown

The government shutdown may be over. I don't think that I should spent too much time thinking about government shutdown. It seems that ever since George W. Bush, whoever gets into office gets shut down by the opposition.

The truth is that America just owes so much money. Over 160 Trillion dollars. I keep thinking that if I had only one one millionth of that, I would b set. But oh well. I'm really vascillating about voting for Trump. Was it a mistake, or not?

Trump is bold, and he's already done more for me than any other president. But the drawback is that...I don't know:

For one thing, he things really small. It's hard to follow someone who is so focused on the small stuff.

On the other hand, he's always complaining about how unfair life is to him. And that's a loser's mentality. As men, we want to take what is rightfully ours, not be given it.

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