Thursday, November 24, 2016

Random Thoughts

One thing that conservatives absolutely must do is to stop incessantly claiming that America is the "greatest nation on Earth." First of all, if America were the "greatest nation on Earth," what would we need conservatives for? If everything was hunky dorie and there were no economic crises, we'd might as well vote Hillary in and spend until we could spend no more. Why, we might have a solid, gold breast installed at the Washington Monument to celebrate feminism and black history. But, if America isn't perfect (and I can guarantee you that it isn't) then conservatives become useful. We are the only ones who hold the keys to America, because we are the only ones who can say "No, I am not a victim."

The second reason to stop say that America is "The Greatest" is that it's patently false. We lead in virtually no metrics worldwide, except for 1) amount of debt owed and 2) amount of money spent on the military. Our so-called high earnings are completely nullified by our debts, so you can't use that excuse. We are not the most profitable; our citizens are not the healthiest, happiest, or most educated. As a result of that, we also do not have the highest average income. We do not produce the most oil, nor do we produce the most renewable energy. We lead in virtually nothing. If we want to win, let's win. And yes, before you say it, I am aware that we are adept at playing games, but that's not a skill you want to have when you owe more than you make in a year.

One thing I've noticed, in the aftermath of Trump's win, is the predilection that people have for ruining their entire careers, permanently, just because they forgot to vote! Venues hire security to keep rowdy fans off stage, but Wanda Sykes and Kanye West purposely ruin their own sets, just because they feel that their fame gives them the right to tell us how to think. The same people complaining about Trump's win are the same people who constantly tell us that voting is meaningless. We should just be entertained ("Are you not entertained?") - entertained until our pleasure centers erupt with cold lava. We should just crack jokes and rap until our kids starve and our country is overrun by Gilgamesh and Chenghis Khan.

Let me just say this. In high school, you got the girls, you got the cars, you got voted "most likely." But real life is not a popularity contest, and the framers understood that, which is why we have the electoral college. I wonder why they don't want the popular vote to win the day. I haven't read the Federalist Papers yet, but if I had to guess, I would say that people only vote for whoever bribes them, or bribes their boss and we need to counteract that by letting the most productive, rational American states pick the president. Sorry Illinois. You're all on the dole, so you get the dole and nothing else. Sorry New York. You love the Euro so much, get on a barge and float to Europe. Take the UK's place in the EU.

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