Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It's VJ Day! Victory For Donald J. Trump Day!

I went outside in the heat of the winter...and I was astounded by the emotion I saw. A young white woman was walking to the gate of her apartment. As I came by, she made "extra sure" that the gate locked behind her. I politely informed her that it was okay. After all, "I supported Trump." Her reply was, "I supported Trump too. Now get away from me or I'll scream!" Around the corner I spotted a Mexican woman. When she saw me, there came an expression of anger.

I couldn't tell if was the "Trump's going to stick his foot up your butt for all these murders" anger, or the "I'm going to be deported" kind. There's something special about seeing a Mexican man walking down the street full of purpose. He's got a job. He's got somewhere to go. But you can't help but wonder. Where's the angle here? I can almost understand the angle for blacks (basically, I've gotten away with it so far).

At the library, I read the New Yorker for the first time. The way they coddled women, especially Hillary, seemed so humorous. I walked home from the library for the second time today. On the way back I passed the barber shop. It's one of those African businesses that stay in business for years while having almost no regular customers. They all stood around the barber's chair, watching Trump on the big screen whilst the owner cut a customer's hair.

Turning the corner again, I passed one of the OGs of the neighborhood, who was leaning against a wrought iron fence *cough* in his wheelchair *cough.* You can always tell the OGs. Really attractive, old-looking fellows who are always wearing the same outfit. Ready to get back in the game. I got back to my building and the doorman had put out a plate of government cheese squares, as if he were feeding rats. Next to them were a container of peanut butter and a can of beans.

All we needed was a flaming trash can and it would've been complete.

Earlier in the morning, the maid remarked to me that "Now they're going to cut food stamps." They had already been cutting food stamps for years under Obama (from $230 to $18). When I told her this, she retorted, " Well, now they're going to get cut more." The part that she forgot, when formulating her woe-is-me tale of victimhood was that she and the building management had stopped cleaning the building half a year earlier in hopes that the aldermen would condemn the building, throw all of the residents out on the street, and sell it to a condo developer to bring in the richer clientele.

The thing she doesn't realize is that maids are for poor people. The rich get up and clean their own homes. As soon as the building is sold, she's out of a job first.

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