Monday, November 7, 2016

The Nappy

You know, the best part about having nappy hair is that no matter how long it grows, it never blocks your eyesight. But look out. It turns out that a nappy is an English term for a baby's diaper (they're trying to say that we naturally look like poop). But don't worry. There's no need to pull out the trigger warning dictionary. We can survive with the term nappy. Besides, the term describes a little treat that I like to give myself. Taking a nap!

People say that the more natural a person's hair is, the more likely he is to be dating or married to a white person. They juxtapose these observations as if to say that there is some sort of contradiction. As if loving yourself means that you should automatically love anybody who shares your skin color.

But that narrative doesn't fit the reality that natural hair people face every day. How is dating "black only" showing self love when the only words out of that black person's mouth are, "You're inferior! Get those naps out of your hair! You're too curvy! Don't act smart! Only white people can be smart!" Natural black people know exactly what I'm talking about. What is the point of dating a black person who was raised white supremacist when you can date a Hispanic, Asian or White person who is actually not a white supremacist.

And could it be that natural hair people are just naturally not racist? Now I'm a red-blooded black man just like any other. And it hurts to see a fine black woman on a white man's arm. But I'm deluding myself if I claim her mentally, because even if she dated black exclusively I would not only not be on the list, but no letter in my name would appear on the list. That is the reality that black men must face. Ask if she likes you. Ask if she wants to be with you. Is she abusing you? Will you be forced to defend yourself against her and then wind up with a criminal record, like so many black men? I was once around a group of black suspects. Almost all of them were being charged with domestic battery.

I once read a statistic and Black Enterprise which stated that the leading cause of death for black women between the ages of 15 and 45 was domestic battery. Go ahead. Get a white woman. Better yet, remain celibate for life and don't live with any woman, even family. Even your mother. It's worth it to keep your record clean. I know that this turned from a rant about natural hair to a sort of MGTOW rant, but they are so well connected. We blacks have been terrible for each other, from the nuclear family to the VIP booth. And now it's time for us to separate and go our own way. And stop ridiculing people who were not born with straight hair.

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