Wednesday, November 9, 2016

I Voted For Donald J. Trump...Twice!

No need to throw a tomato. I voted for Donald Trump once in the primaries, and once in the general election. This is a message for the Never Trumpers. I know you must be sad and dismayed (without a hint of irony) but with every defeat comes the seeds of equal success, to paraphrase Napoelon Hill.

"Trump doesn't represent me. He's so politically incorrect, so lascivious, so mad for power and glory." See where I'm going with this? Somewhere along the line, maybe 47% down the line, somebody convinced a vast majority of the country that the "foul-mouthed groper" (I'm talking about Donald J. Trump, not a rapper or an NBA player) was the archetype of a Republican.

I picked Trump from day one because I see him as the best thing to happen for conservative politics. He can say what needs to be said and not get thrown in jail. If I were to tell the truth, I would be exiled in my own country. It is true that Hillary was the consensus candidate - For the price of a little bloviating over the "glass ceiling" we had the promise of further welfare reform and not a few wallops for BLM members.

But Trump is the only natural consensus candidate and the only true one as well. This man had support from Mike Tyson, the black community, the Mexican American community, The African community, obviously the "media community," celebrities, his ex-wives and even children.

Donald J. Trump is the kind of candidate that Ronald Reagan would've approved of. People forget that Ronald Reagan wasn't some B-List celebrity like Trump is today. He was an A-List superstar actor, cast in the Hollywood blockbuster films of his day, in the LEADING ROLE, no less. If anybody in America was least likely to become a conservative president, Ronald Reagan, a man who got rich in Hollywood, was that person.

Trump, with almost no money invested, was able to work quickly and effectively. He didn't have to beg. He just did. This tells the young kids that even they can be president some day. Even if their parents can't afford to buy them the most expensive Science Fair exhibits or they fail assignments because their parents can't afford school supplies. Donald Trump is the greatest thing for blacks (the ones who were not friends with high-level politicians in grade school) because now they have no excuse. I have no excuse anymore, as a black man. I only wish that I had done what I did sooner.

Most important, Millenials and their children will start to believe that life is about more than just stacking up entitlements like pancakes and getting high off the dole until their parents hate them for life and never speak to them again. They will build businesses, travel the world in style, and when they're running for president, against a thousand other contestants, and winning, they will touch their daughter's butt on stage (oh, the horror!).

If your parents never touched your butt in love, did they really love you?

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