Monday, November 14, 2016

A Lesson For Never Trumpers #Trump2016

So here it is. For the "Never Trumpers" who cannot "believe" that the world sees Republicans and thinks Donald J. Trump. "He doesn't represent us," you say, "I'm a decent, upstanding human being." Here's a list of things that Republicans can do to prevent the people of the world from thinking that you're #LikeHim. I should preface this by saying that I supported Trump from day one and feel that, as a conservative, he represents me perfectly:

1) Conservative pundits need to stop complaining about minorities and how "genetically inferior" they are. Supposedly #Trump2016 is a "racist" and none of you ever heard your favorite conservative on, say, JRW, talking about how "inferior" blacks, Mexicans and Muslims are. Just stop complaining about minorities. Find something constructive to talk about. Use your brain power to come up with solutions, instead of mentioning "problems".

2) Every Republican candidate for president should be a minority. Now, I understand that whites have proven to be the best stewards of minorities in the past, but the Democrats forced our hand and now we have to play catch up. It should be a rule that every Republican candidate for president should be a minority or a female. Now, I disagree with this. Which is why I voted for Donald J. Trump, a white man. I felt that Trump was most qualified, but I'm not a "Never Trumper," obviously.

3) Every Republican candidate for president should come from a humble background. Again, I am a ghetto black raised on welfare, and I voted for a rich-born, Ivy-League white man to be my president, because he was the most qualified. If you "Never Trumpers" are so #Horrified that someone in the 1 percent rules over you, simply make it a rule. You could even say that someone would have to have a humble beginning and be rich as an adult. That might make it even better.

4) Conservatives have to place value on their relationships for some reason other than the amount of money that their friend gives them. Naturally, people want to associate with those who make them rich, because money is pure self-interest. Stronger than friendship, stronger than family. Stronger than sex. Nothing gets you instant compliance like money. I took my debit card to the local Subway today. A Mexican woman made a sandwich for me instantly, as if she was my wife, and all I had to do was insert my chip card into the slot. That's power. But "Never Trumpers" who don't want to be seen as "money-hungry" should value things in relationships other than "Will he give me a ride in his yacht?"

5) Finally, white people need to stop feeling sorry for themselves all the time. Got a problem with blacks? Well, for the future, don't take anybody to your country unless you plan on making them something more than an expensive farm animal (ie. SLAVERY IS WRONG!). Trump's victory is mostly attributable to the 700% increase in the black Republican vote. Blacks are responsible for #Trump2016. We made this happen, not you. We deserve the credit. Most importantly, whites need the stop with the unending self-pity because other people see your whining and it leads to the kind of rhetoric that won Trump the election. People see you guys as being Trump's mini-mes because that exactly how you guys act ALL THE TIME!

None of this applies to me. I voted for Trump and he made me feel like a winner. With Romney, it was a desperation vote. With Trump, it was the #Victory vote.

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