Monday, December 12, 2016

Why Trump Presidencies Matter

Donald Trump could not have come at a greater time for Americans and American democracy. People keep going off the rails about how we had a "chance for change" and how we could've proved how "progressive" we would've been "if only" we'd elected a female president. First of all, didn't we hate two straight "chances for change?" I'd say the little tikes are all tuckered out from change. We need the cash crop of known sums to sustain us now.

As American as apple pie. The fact that we have elected a man, to the White House, no doubt, who has honestly spoken his mind and used his first amendment rights to the fullest - that, my friends, is the true "progressive" event of this election season. If every media outlet and every pundit is either directly or indirectly saying "hire the woman," there is no progress in doing only what every other American is telling you to do.

When the founders created the first amendment, they were thinking more about a "ban Muslims" situation than a "Deplorables" situation. What does this mean? It takes no work to jump on the bandwagon and say something against the most popular enemy, conservative straight men. What takes real work, is to identify the sacred cows of America. Namely, immigrants. Minorities. Unsuccessful people. After a lifetime of dealing with those who smile in your face and stab you in the back, it's a relief to meet a man who smiles at your back and stabs you in the front.

But that's not all. You see, it's not a coincidence that Trump came along now. The truth is that Trump's ascent to the presidency is important, not only for America's founding, but America's future. You see, there's this thing called a smart phone. It can call, text and even display pictures, full motion video and streaming video. Sound familiar? And that's not all. There's this thing called a Facebook and a Twitter. People can share their innermost feelings with their favorite high school friends.

What's the point? These Zuckerbergs promised us heaven, promised that we'd never be lonely. We put up our statuses and were hooked. And now we know that it was all a trap. How many men have lost their jobs by saying something non-PC on Facebook or Twitter? How many have been caught in the online porn trap? I went through this long statement to say that Trump is a rallying point in this war campaign against political correctness. We need to learn from Trump how to become successful even if you don't see every grown woman as a three-year-old girl, like liberals do.

More than anything, Trump is a locus of control. Men can become successful, even if they don't think like a PC robot. We need to stay close to him and listen to him so that we can learn the secrets to the kind of power that even a SJW couldn't shame. Imagine if every risque statement you made online, or in person, was magically prevented from hurting your career or family life. Did you see how his family members rallied around him? This is truly a great day for conservatism. I'll never understand why so many more blacks voted Republican this year. I don't think like a black man. But I welcome their addition to our tribe.

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