Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Message

All is not good in this world. I haven't been feeling myself lately. How many of you know that it's only after you lose freedom that you know how valuable it is. The original settlers knew what it was like to live under an oppressive king. They had that "If only I were free. This is what I would do" mindset. And that's exactly what they did. Early in George Washington's military career, he was put in charge of a group of men and sent out to fight the British incursion. They found the British unarmed, but used lethal force against them. Eventually, Washington and his men were captured. As part of his release, Washington confessed to murdering unarmed explorers. You read correctly. Our first president was a murderer. That is just how much people want freedom. When they've had to do without it for so long.

Just one day and it will be okay.

Remember this: people never realize how much they miss their family until their family is gone. Remember the friendly banter, the "in" jokes, the references to childhood. It could go on forever, right? Not exactly. You see more powerful than missing your family is missing your freedom, as I said originally. Had people been too attached to family, America would never have been born. Moreover, evolution would be an impossibility. As a tree's seeds are carried by the wind and birds, so must the human seed develop and find fertile ground in which to lay. So don't be controlled by your parents' money. I know that this is the boomerang generation, but you must claw and fight to have a place with only your name on the lease. This is especially important if you are a black man.

Oh, the pain...

Remember: life isn't about expensive toys, or even having all of your limbs. Be careful what you wish for. You can take what you want, but others can take from you, so think of ways to protect yourself. To the young men, I cannot judge you because I know what being a man entails. I know how hard it can be to process all of this information. When you do get what you want it can seem like a curse. It's gone and used up before you even knew it was there, or were calm enough to notice.

Remember: if you felt what you had lost before, it means that you have more to lose now, so keep your mind straight and fortify your riches in this earth. What I mean to say is that if you can feel what you've lost in the past, chances are you will feel whatever you will lose in the future. Past evidence helps create future prosperity. I cannot and will not judge the young men, because life never goes according to plan. As they say, the battle plan never survives first contact with the enemy. I understand where you're coming from. You did everything you had to do, said all of the right things. You even slept in the cold and avoided confrontation. But the system still got you.

It will take a whole lot of power to create a world in which young black men aren't being carted off to prison.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Why Trump Presidencies Matter

Donald Trump could not have come at a greater time for Americans and American democracy. People keep going off the rails about how we had a "chance for change" and how we could've proved how "progressive" we would've been "if only" we'd elected a female president. First of all, didn't we hate two straight "chances for change?" I'd say the little tikes are all tuckered out from change. We need the cash crop of known sums to sustain us now.

As American as apple pie. The fact that we have elected a man, to the White House, no doubt, who has honestly spoken his mind and used his first amendment rights to the fullest - that, my friends, is the true "progressive" event of this election season. If every media outlet and every pundit is either directly or indirectly saying "hire the woman," there is no progress in doing only what every other American is telling you to do.

When the founders created the first amendment, they were thinking more about a "ban Muslims" situation than a "Deplorables" situation. What does this mean? It takes no work to jump on the bandwagon and say something against the most popular enemy, conservative straight men. What takes real work, is to identify the sacred cows of America. Namely, immigrants. Minorities. Unsuccessful people. After a lifetime of dealing with those who smile in your face and stab you in the back, it's a relief to meet a man who smiles at your back and stabs you in the front.

But that's not all. You see, it's not a coincidence that Trump came along now. The truth is that Trump's ascent to the presidency is important, not only for America's founding, but America's future. You see, there's this thing called a smart phone. It can call, text and even display pictures, full motion video and streaming video. Sound familiar? And that's not all. There's this thing called a Facebook and a Twitter. People can share their innermost feelings with their favorite high school friends.

What's the point? These Zuckerbergs promised us heaven, promised that we'd never be lonely. We put up our statuses and were hooked. And now we know that it was all a trap. How many men have lost their jobs by saying something non-PC on Facebook or Twitter? How many have been caught in the online porn trap? I went through this long statement to say that Trump is a rallying point in this war campaign against political correctness. We need to learn from Trump how to become successful even if you don't see every grown woman as a three-year-old girl, like liberals do.

More than anything, Trump is a locus of control. Men can become successful, even if they don't think like a PC robot. We need to stay close to him and listen to him so that we can learn the secrets to the kind of power that even a SJW couldn't shame. Imagine if every risque statement you made online, or in person, was magically prevented from hurting your career or family life. Did you see how his family members rallied around him? This is truly a great day for conservatism. I'll never understand why so many more blacks voted Republican this year. I don't think like a black man. But I welcome their addition to our tribe.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Random Thoughts

One thing that conservatives absolutely must do is to stop incessantly claiming that America is the "greatest nation on Earth." First of all, if America were the "greatest nation on Earth," what would we need conservatives for? If everything was hunky dorie and there were no economic crises, we'd might as well vote Hillary in and spend until we could spend no more. Why, we might have a solid, gold breast installed at the Washington Monument to celebrate feminism and black history. But, if America isn't perfect (and I can guarantee you that it isn't) then conservatives become useful. We are the only ones who hold the keys to America, because we are the only ones who can say "No, I am not a victim."

The second reason to stop say that America is "The Greatest" is that it's patently false. We lead in virtually no metrics worldwide, except for 1) amount of debt owed and 2) amount of money spent on the military. Our so-called high earnings are completely nullified by our debts, so you can't use that excuse. We are not the most profitable; our citizens are not the healthiest, happiest, or most educated. As a result of that, we also do not have the highest average income. We do not produce the most oil, nor do we produce the most renewable energy. We lead in virtually nothing. If we want to win, let's win. And yes, before you say it, I am aware that we are adept at playing games, but that's not a skill you want to have when you owe more than you make in a year.

One thing I've noticed, in the aftermath of Trump's win, is the predilection that people have for ruining their entire careers, permanently, just because they forgot to vote! Venues hire security to keep rowdy fans off stage, but Wanda Sykes and Kanye West purposely ruin their own sets, just because they feel that their fame gives them the right to tell us how to think. The same people complaining about Trump's win are the same people who constantly tell us that voting is meaningless. We should just be entertained ("Are you not entertained?") - entertained until our pleasure centers erupt with cold lava. We should just crack jokes and rap until our kids starve and our country is overrun by Gilgamesh and Chenghis Khan.

Let me just say this. In high school, you got the girls, you got the cars, you got voted "most likely." But real life is not a popularity contest, and the framers understood that, which is why we have the electoral college. I wonder why they don't want the popular vote to win the day. I haven't read the Federalist Papers yet, but if I had to guess, I would say that people only vote for whoever bribes them, or bribes their boss and we need to counteract that by letting the most productive, rational American states pick the president. Sorry Illinois. You're all on the dole, so you get the dole and nothing else. Sorry New York. You love the Euro so much, get on a barge and float to Europe. Take the UK's place in the EU.

Monday, November 14, 2016

A Lesson For Never Trumpers #Trump2016

So here it is. For the "Never Trumpers" who cannot "believe" that the world sees Republicans and thinks Donald J. Trump. "He doesn't represent us," you say, "I'm a decent, upstanding human being." Here's a list of things that Republicans can do to prevent the people of the world from thinking that you're #LikeHim. I should preface this by saying that I supported Trump from day one and feel that, as a conservative, he represents me perfectly:

1) Conservative pundits need to stop complaining about minorities and how "genetically inferior" they are. Supposedly #Trump2016 is a "racist" and none of you ever heard your favorite conservative on, say, JRW, talking about how "inferior" blacks, Mexicans and Muslims are. Just stop complaining about minorities. Find something constructive to talk about. Use your brain power to come up with solutions, instead of mentioning "problems".

2) Every Republican candidate for president should be a minority. Now, I understand that whites have proven to be the best stewards of minorities in the past, but the Democrats forced our hand and now we have to play catch up. It should be a rule that every Republican candidate for president should be a minority or a female. Now, I disagree with this. Which is why I voted for Donald J. Trump, a white man. I felt that Trump was most qualified, but I'm not a "Never Trumper," obviously.

3) Every Republican candidate for president should come from a humble background. Again, I am a ghetto black raised on welfare, and I voted for a rich-born, Ivy-League white man to be my president, because he was the most qualified. If you "Never Trumpers" are so #Horrified that someone in the 1 percent rules over you, simply make it a rule. You could even say that someone would have to have a humble beginning and be rich as an adult. That might make it even better.

4) Conservatives have to place value on their relationships for some reason other than the amount of money that their friend gives them. Naturally, people want to associate with those who make them rich, because money is pure self-interest. Stronger than friendship, stronger than family. Stronger than sex. Nothing gets you instant compliance like money. I took my debit card to the local Subway today. A Mexican woman made a sandwich for me instantly, as if she was my wife, and all I had to do was insert my chip card into the slot. That's power. But "Never Trumpers" who don't want to be seen as "money-hungry" should value things in relationships other than "Will he give me a ride in his yacht?"

5) Finally, white people need to stop feeling sorry for themselves all the time. Got a problem with blacks? Well, for the future, don't take anybody to your country unless you plan on making them something more than an expensive farm animal (ie. SLAVERY IS WRONG!). Trump's victory is mostly attributable to the 700% increase in the black Republican vote. Blacks are responsible for #Trump2016. We made this happen, not you. We deserve the credit. Most importantly, whites need the stop with the unending self-pity because other people see your whining and it leads to the kind of rhetoric that won Trump the election. People see you guys as being Trump's mini-mes because that exactly how you guys act ALL THE TIME!

None of this applies to me. I voted for Trump and he made me feel like a winner. With Romney, it was a desperation vote. With Trump, it was the #Victory vote.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It's VJ Day! Victory For Donald J. Trump Day!

I went outside in the heat of the winter...and I was astounded by the emotion I saw. A young white woman was walking to the gate of her apartment. As I came by, she made "extra sure" that the gate locked behind her. I politely informed her that it was okay. After all, "I supported Trump." Her reply was, "I supported Trump too. Now get away from me or I'll scream!" Around the corner I spotted a Mexican woman. When she saw me, there came an expression of anger.

I couldn't tell if was the "Trump's going to stick his foot up your butt for all these murders" anger, or the "I'm going to be deported" kind. There's something special about seeing a Mexican man walking down the street full of purpose. He's got a job. He's got somewhere to go. But you can't help but wonder. Where's the angle here? I can almost understand the angle for blacks (basically, I've gotten away with it so far).

At the library, I read the New Yorker for the first time. The way they coddled women, especially Hillary, seemed so humorous. I walked home from the library for the second time today. On the way back I passed the barber shop. It's one of those African businesses that stay in business for years while having almost no regular customers. They all stood around the barber's chair, watching Trump on the big screen whilst the owner cut a customer's hair.

Turning the corner again, I passed one of the OGs of the neighborhood, who was leaning against a wrought iron fence *cough* in his wheelchair *cough.* You can always tell the OGs. Really attractive, old-looking fellows who are always wearing the same outfit. Ready to get back in the game. I got back to my building and the doorman had put out a plate of government cheese squares, as if he were feeding rats. Next to them were a container of peanut butter and a can of beans.

All we needed was a flaming trash can and it would've been complete.

Earlier in the morning, the maid remarked to me that "Now they're going to cut food stamps." They had already been cutting food stamps for years under Obama (from $230 to $18). When I told her this, she retorted, " Well, now they're going to get cut more." The part that she forgot, when formulating her woe-is-me tale of victimhood was that she and the building management had stopped cleaning the building half a year earlier in hopes that the aldermen would condemn the building, throw all of the residents out on the street, and sell it to a condo developer to bring in the richer clientele.

The thing she doesn't realize is that maids are for poor people. The rich get up and clean their own homes. As soon as the building is sold, she's out of a job first.

I Voted For Donald J. Trump...Twice!

No need to throw a tomato. I voted for Donald Trump once in the primaries, and once in the general election. This is a message for the Never Trumpers. I know you must be sad and dismayed (without a hint of irony) but with every defeat comes the seeds of equal success, to paraphrase Napoelon Hill.

"Trump doesn't represent me. He's so politically incorrect, so lascivious, so mad for power and glory." See where I'm going with this? Somewhere along the line, maybe 47% down the line, somebody convinced a vast majority of the country that the "foul-mouthed groper" (I'm talking about Donald J. Trump, not a rapper or an NBA player) was the archetype of a Republican.

I picked Trump from day one because I see him as the best thing to happen for conservative politics. He can say what needs to be said and not get thrown in jail. If I were to tell the truth, I would be exiled in my own country. It is true that Hillary was the consensus candidate - For the price of a little bloviating over the "glass ceiling" we had the promise of further welfare reform and not a few wallops for BLM members.

But Trump is the only natural consensus candidate and the only true one as well. This man had support from Mike Tyson, the black community, the Mexican American community, The African community, obviously the "media community," celebrities, his ex-wives and even children.

Donald J. Trump is the kind of candidate that Ronald Reagan would've approved of. People forget that Ronald Reagan wasn't some B-List celebrity like Trump is today. He was an A-List superstar actor, cast in the Hollywood blockbuster films of his day, in the LEADING ROLE, no less. If anybody in America was least likely to become a conservative president, Ronald Reagan, a man who got rich in Hollywood, was that person.

Trump, with almost no money invested, was able to work quickly and effectively. He didn't have to beg. He just did. This tells the young kids that even they can be president some day. Even if their parents can't afford to buy them the most expensive Science Fair exhibits or they fail assignments because their parents can't afford school supplies. Donald Trump is the greatest thing for blacks (the ones who were not friends with high-level politicians in grade school) because now they have no excuse. I have no excuse anymore, as a black man. I only wish that I had done what I did sooner.

Most important, Millenials and their children will start to believe that life is about more than just stacking up entitlements like pancakes and getting high off the dole until their parents hate them for life and never speak to them again. They will build businesses, travel the world in style, and when they're running for president, against a thousand other contestants, and winning, they will touch their daughter's butt on stage (oh, the horror!).

If your parents never touched your butt in love, did they really love you?

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Nappy

You know, the best part about having nappy hair is that no matter how long it grows, it never blocks your eyesight. But look out. It turns out that a nappy is an English term for a baby's diaper (they're trying to say that we naturally look like poop). But don't worry. There's no need to pull out the trigger warning dictionary. We can survive with the term nappy. Besides, the term describes a little treat that I like to give myself. Taking a nap!

People say that the more natural a person's hair is, the more likely he is to be dating or married to a white person. They juxtapose these observations as if to say that there is some sort of contradiction. As if loving yourself means that you should automatically love anybody who shares your skin color.

But that narrative doesn't fit the reality that natural hair people face every day. How is dating "black only" showing self love when the only words out of that black person's mouth are, "You're inferior! Get those naps out of your hair! You're too curvy! Don't act smart! Only white people can be smart!" Natural black people know exactly what I'm talking about. What is the point of dating a black person who was raised white supremacist when you can date a Hispanic, Asian or White person who is actually not a white supremacist.

And could it be that natural hair people are just naturally not racist? Now I'm a red-blooded black man just like any other. And it hurts to see a fine black woman on a white man's arm. But I'm deluding myself if I claim her mentally, because even if she dated black exclusively I would not only not be on the list, but no letter in my name would appear on the list. That is the reality that black men must face. Ask if she likes you. Ask if she wants to be with you. Is she abusing you? Will you be forced to defend yourself against her and then wind up with a criminal record, like so many black men? I was once around a group of black suspects. Almost all of them were being charged with domestic battery.

I once read a statistic and Black Enterprise which stated that the leading cause of death for black women between the ages of 15 and 45 was domestic battery. Go ahead. Get a white woman. Better yet, remain celibate for life and don't live with any woman, even family. Even your mother. It's worth it to keep your record clean. I know that this turned from a rant about natural hair to a sort of MGTOW rant, but they are so well connected. We blacks have been terrible for each other, from the nuclear family to the VIP booth. And now it's time for us to separate and go our own way. And stop ridiculing people who were not born with straight hair.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Art of Repetition

The two hardest things you can do as an artists are 1) draw the same character from multiple positions, and 2) draw natural skin color (especially black). The latter problem has been solved by Photoshop, at least when drawing digitally. Just pull up a picture of a black person and extract the color. Puertorican skin tends to halve multiple tones.

But what about the former? Well, you're going to have to learn how to draw now. That is, if you ever want to animate your characters or create a comic book series. You have to be able to draw your character in all of his or her attendant moods, expressions, and states. You also have to be able to draw your character in all of the character-specific states of action. Think Heisman Trophy pose.

So how do I learn how to draw, you ask? There are three main ways to learn how to draw. There is tracing, the easiest and fastest way; reference drawing, which seems challenging at first, but can get frustrating; and my favorite method, freestyle, which is like trying to change the tracks on an Abrams tank during a three-way tank battle. You can use the first two "quick and dirty" methods if you wish, but you will soon discover that they don't make you better at drawing. That is, your images will only look good while you are actively using reference or tracing. As soon as the training wheels come off, so does your artistic ability. If you can't draw what you want to see with just a pencil, paper, sharpener and eraser, you're not an artist. 

Since I was in the first grade, I have been obsessed with the concept of brain efficiency. That is, the optimum use of brain cells to achieve a certain goal. Using the least amount of hard drive space and processing power in your brain to do the most work. Naturally, this belief is anathema to universal educational concept of learning through repetition. It's probably no coincidence that I started using computers at the age of 4, in Rockwell Gardens.

The theory of learning through repetition, while novel, is extremely wasteful, wasting both time and brain cells that could be used for other things, or better yet, just conserved, like a protected wildlife habitat. Imagine if you wanted to play Star Wars Battlefront on your 5.0 GHz PC. Now imagine that you had to double-click the icon on your desktop 10,000 times to get it to load the program. Does that seem extreme? Imagine that you had to double-click the icon two times to get it to load. That would start one hell of a flame war in the forums.

Imagine that you had to buy thirty bananas a day to find three that were edible. Now imagine having to buy fifty bananas a day, for an entire month, just to find one that was edible. This type of waste is unprecedented, especially since knowledge has a shelf life, a scope and a category. What I mean by scope is that it takes a different set of skills to produce a retention arm for a CPU than it does to produce a RAM slot, or indeed the overall motherboard. The point is that we need a way for everyone to draw like Leonardo Da Vinci by downloading a program directly into their brains in five minutes.

Until then, we have repetition. Repetition is, regrettably, the only way to know how to draw. But there is hope. Since I was in the first grade, I could write better than Michael Jordan can write now. That was twenty-three years ago. When you're repeating every day, it might seem like it's taking forever, but just a few years of concentration can bring you decades of accomplishment. In other words, the wasteful practice of repetition does not pay for itself, but it gives you a sense of accomplishment, sort of like the U.S. economy.

But like the U.S. economy, learning to draw through repetition is extremely wasteful and must be done away with, or reduced. I have discovered my own way of learning to draw, called Hemistheory. It states that if you trace half of an image and draw the other half with no help at all, you will become more accurate and balanced in drawing more quickly than with any of the other three theories alone or in combination. Also, if you draw skewed like me, you will be able to see the skewed nature of your drawing if you practice by drawing half of your image with a home-made stencil (or tracing paper) and completing the rest in the Hemistheory style, which combines tracing, reference, freestyle drawing and deductive reasoning.

This theory is still in the early testing phases, but it's showing some promising initial results. We will probably never be able to download directly into our brains (legally), but I will look to reduce the amount of repetition necessary to learn the skills of an artist. What that means is that I will make many breakthroughs in the future, which should lead me to being a great artist. I do lift heavy weights during the week, and that sometimes decreases my artistic ability, so my results might be tainted by that fact. Some of the things that I've drawn look just phenomenal to me, but they come along once in a full moon. I need a bankable artistic skill set that will see me through.

My advice: let go of the training wheels of tracing and reference drawing and do more freestyle. My belief is that the human mind is precious, not a machine, and that hard drive space in the brain has to be preserved. Whenever you repeat something for memorization purposes, your brain tries to write in multiple places at once, but nothing sticks. 100 million brain cells hold a total of one tenth of the knowledge required to do work. It's like fishing with a nuke. Sooner or later you'll catch a fish, but also quite a few buffalo. I want to find a method so that all of the learned knowledge goes directly to the part of the brain that holds that information, and that the information is written to the brain with the most optimum amount of repetition, if any.  

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Fall of Facebook

I am aware that everyone and their mother says this, but the only reason why I ever signed up for Facebook in the first place is because I thought I was going to die. The year was 2008 and I was going through the most traumatic period in my life. Imagine walking to your car in an closed garage, alone, and being pounced on by an Asian tiger. There is no one around to help you, and you're pretty sure that this is the end. But for some reason the tiger gets tired of you and walks away. That's what happened to me.

At the time I was sure that I wouldn't make it through the summer. I had my affairs in order and I was already saying my last goodbyes to my mother and extended family. I played a few more games with my brother, and took my ledgers off the wall. My purpose for signing up with Facebook was twofold: One, It was a desperate last gasp for air in a sinking ship at Pearl Harbor. I was desperately looking for someone who might be able to save me (for I couldn't save myself yet). Even though no one could have possibly known how to help me, or didn't care, you think that way when death is staring you in the face. Second, I just wanted to see a familiar face before I died.

I wished to relive my glory days (as Bruce Springsteen plays) back when I was the grunge bench-warmer of 47th street. Back in the late nineties and early 2000s my family had made a major breakthrough. After a lifetime of shelter-hopping and wearing out our welcomes, my mother doubled down on work. We were now poor with real money, not food stamps. We went from a hot dog covered in sugar to 24 hours of a N64 Wrestling Game and Magic Carpet on Windows '95. My own personal breakthrough is happening today, however.

My days as an outsider looking in on Hyde Park were - by far - the most beneficial time of my life. Being on the south side teaches you how to be a man. And boy did my teammates and I ever get clowned for being the worst football players in Chicago. It was this history, also my impending doom, that attracted me to joining Facebook.

True to form, I signed up and put up my profile. I assiduously notified the entire internet that I was a virgin (at 23) in my bio and it was off to the races. Like a mother who's infant had just been kidnapped, I believed that there were only two people from Kenwood Academy that would have me contact: V and S. They were two sides of the same coin. The extent of my relationship with V was that she watched me flunk advanced Biology class freshman year, in the most embarrassing way. I was too much of...what you would call a cad, in freshman year, and had been demoted for not doing my homework. In my relationship with S, I was too much of a stereotypical bookworm and spent all of my class time trying to listen to mister P over rowdy classmates instead of sitting in the back, like S, and laughing it up with the freshman quarterback.

They didn't like me, but they would "tolerate" me (I still don't understand the meaning of that word). And as a desperate, dying animal, that was the best that I could possibly hope for: Just someone to listen to my problems as I slipped away, something to ease the pain. I begged them for different things, based on what I remembered about their personalities. They quickly shut me down, and then I calmed a bit. Soon I was addicted to Facebook and within two years I was sending friend requests to everyone I could remember from "The Wood," most of which didn't know me. I unfriended them all, including V and S and re-friended them again. It was a pornographic addiction - bingeing and purging (or more accurately, download, shame and delete). I would look at their pictures of hangouts and functions and children and imagine that I too could be a part of that world some day.

John Jenkins didn't die that year, and that was the problem (That's what she said. No pun intended). Time went on and I was inexplicably invited to a musical event through Facebook. And for the first time, I could actually go because I had real money to spend, not food stamps. T invited me. I, at least, resented her throughout high school because back then she was dating a white boy for his money, in the black part of town, and I was on a liberal racial unity kick. She also wore green contacts, hiding her natural brown eyes. Times had changed, though. She was now dating a black rapper/promoter. It was the first time that I could remember being invited somewhere. I was certainly grateful at the time, but my Facebook life never lasted, no matter how many times I came back.

Facebook preyed on my immaturity and desperation and left me feeling like a sucker. "It's like a high school yearbook, but with real people!" My adolescent power fantasy statuses and comments were legendary, but only to me of course. Generally, when people join Facebook, they're thinking, "Finally, now that I have a leased Honda Civic or some new makeup, the it girl or the jock will see me as desirable and I will be invited into the fold. I will no longer be on the outside looking in." That's not true. No matter what you do on Facebook, you will always be remembered as the one who came to school with the wrong sneakers on, or who wouldn't put out. They won't respect you because they don't value what you bring to the table.

The other problem with Facebook is that people don't age well. Most people's parents never prepared them for success in the real world, teaching them that their "good genes" would be enough to see them through. They get decimated after high school. It's like they've been through three World Wars, five train wrecks and a shark attack, and it's only been five years!

At the very least, I was wise enough not to put any picture of myself or my family on Facebook, Snapchat or Twitter (Youtube is another story). Up until 2014 there was only one image of me the entire internet (my family is very phobic about this as well). I can't do what I did before and just clear out my friends list, because it's pornography. I just have to know that my favorite "pornstars" are there. If I do clear it out, I'll make a mad dash to re-friend everyone within a few weeks, and I'll feel extra unwanted when half of them ignore said friend request. At least I don't use Facebook anymore. That's got to count for something. I can't believe this Zuckerberg guy got rich by providing pictures of isolated people for us all to jerk off to. -JJ