Monday, May 20, 2019

Targeted Individual Anthem #7

Go On Tour
by John Jenkins

Verse 1

Go on tour,
Go on tour,
Young TI.

To be sure
You'll endure
Whatever Passes by.

Though the law,
and your boss,
say you're insane.

And your family
just can't get
inside your brain.

Through the view
of your youth,
you shall survive.

Though your mother
told you
fifteen thousand times.

Boy you better,
never, ever,
rock the boat.


Did you ever even think that you would
live long enough to make the tour?

Verse 2

There's a house
 just outside
 of your pain

No matter how,
you will succeed,
once again.

It just might
be your job
to fall in love.

Buy your brand new
baby a leather
baseball glove.

When your tour
brings you right
through this old town.

And your song,
of being wrong,
rocks the house down.

the day you were


Did you ever even think that you would
live long enough to make the tour?


Make the tour.
You will endure,
And through your heart's song,
We will ensure.

And though your heart's blue,
If you only want to,
If your heart's fond,
Will you be pure?

Be Pure

Your father always told you,
To always stay true.
But then he lied to you.

Sold you for a few Netflix shows.

Though it hurt you,
you always came through.
Do what you want to.

What does your psychiatrist know?

And I never even thought that I'd
survive long enough to make the tour.

They always told me to,
But they never wanted me to,
Really endure.

And it gets so easy
in this world that
we abjure.

 And I never even thought that I'd
survive long enough to make the tour.

Chorus 2

Make the tour,
Though you're not sure.
Bring your life back.
Bring your queens jewels.

If your love's pure,
they can never hurt you.
They can't have that.
Do you.

Do you.

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