Friday, May 24, 2019

Targeted Individual Anthem #10

Your Life Is A TI Song
by John Jenkins

Verse 1

Your mother done left you.
You father done checked you.

Wouldn't it be nice.
If you could wrap your heart around.

Your brother done baited you.
Your sister done hated you.

Wouldn't it be nice,
If you could hear that still small sound.



Broke down
but never broken.


Greater truth
was never spoken.


And all your
enemies are choking



If you can feel it
then you can increase your mileage,
as  much as the night is long.

Your heart is a number.
Why don't you dial it?
It makes the whole world wrong.

No matter what you do,
they'll split you in two,
In the streets that you're among.

You know, life isn't easy
and it's full of heartache.

Your life is a TI song.

Verse 2

Your baby done left you.
Stood there and undressed you.

Wouldn't be nice,
If you could stand upon this ground?

Your son bereft you.
Your daughter won't accept you.

Wouldn't it be nice,
if you knew what this was all about?


Chorus 2


If you can feel it
then you can increase your mileage,
as  much as the night is long.

Your heart is a number.
Why don't you dial it?
It makes the whole world wrong.

No matter what you do,
they'll split you in two,
In the streets that you're among.

You'll never get them back
and you were meant for heartache.

Your life is a TI song.

Your life is a TI song.

Your life is a TI song.

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