Friday, May 24, 2019

Targeted Individual Anthem #10

Your Life Is A TI Song
by John Jenkins

Verse 1

Your mother done left you.
You father done checked you.

Wouldn't it be nice.
If you could wrap your heart around.

Your brother done baited you.
Your sister done hated you.

Wouldn't it be nice,
If you could hear that still small sound.



Broke down
but never broken.


Greater truth
was never spoken.


And all your
enemies are choking



If you can feel it
then you can increase your mileage,
as  much as the night is long.

Your heart is a number.
Why don't you dial it?
It makes the whole world wrong.

No matter what you do,
they'll split you in two,
In the streets that you're among.

You know, life isn't easy
and it's full of heartache.

Your life is a TI song.

Verse 2

Your baby done left you.
Stood there and undressed you.

Wouldn't be nice,
If you could stand upon this ground?

Your son bereft you.
Your daughter won't accept you.

Wouldn't it be nice,
if you knew what this was all about?


Chorus 2


If you can feel it
then you can increase your mileage,
as  much as the night is long.

Your heart is a number.
Why don't you dial it?
It makes the whole world wrong.

No matter what you do,
they'll split you in two,
In the streets that you're among.

You'll never get them back
and you were meant for heartache.

Your life is a TI song.

Your life is a TI song.

Your life is a TI song.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Targeted Individual Anthem #9

By John Jenkins

Chorus 1

Dead Eyes.
Though they never will believe us.

Dead Lives.
They will never come between us.

Dead Skies.
And the skies are not beneath us.

We can make this grand.

Dead Eyes.
And our song, it is forever.

Dead Lives.
We will always be together.

Dead Skies.
And it doesn't matter whether
we convince them or not.

Chorus 2X

My heart's whole.

And they told me it was over.

But they lied.

Now I'm fighting just like before.

Dead Eyes.
Now, my mother was in fashion.

Dead Lives.
Being single was a passion.

Dead Skies.
Now I know that she was acting.

She didn't know what was happening.

Dead Eyes.
And they never said "What's happenin'?"

Dead Lives.
And they hated with a passion.

Dead Skies
And their love was an illusion.

They will never know me.

Chorus 2X


Dead Eyes. Dead Lives. Dead Skies. 3X

Targeted Individual Anthem #8

Stay Back
by John Jenkins

Verse 1

I can't take these
drugs forever.

I want to be free.

And I can't raise my
family from prison.

I need to be me.

The police think
I'm highly suspicious.

But they can never define

What makes me
so right and delicious

To these invisible crimes.


Stay back.

You'll be living with the trauma.

Way back.

Flourished under Obama.

Reach out.

When they call you a liar.

Lay back.

Verse 2

If you want to
see your family,

Stick a beam in your eye.

And if you want to
avoid damage.

Well, then you'll have to die.

No, you cannot have
it both ways.

Be free or be poor.

The path is riddled
with their refuse.

It's an open door.

Chorus 2

Stay back.

Out of the way of your trauma.

Way back.

To avoid all this drama.

Reach out.
Though there will be no Karma.

Lay back.

The police think
I'm highly suspicious.

But they can never be sure.

Following their
written prescriptions.

Your failure is ensured.

Want to die with feet
in the promised land.

Well then, you'll have to fly.

Don't you say the
Bible predicts this.

'Cause then you may just be right.

Chorus 3

Stay back.

To be free of all the drama.

Way back.

And to be rid of all your problems.

Reach out.

To the sky, from whence your help comes.

Lay back.

Lay back 4x

Targeted Individual Anthem #7

Go On Tour
by John Jenkins

Verse 1

Go on tour,
Go on tour,
Young TI.

To be sure
You'll endure
Whatever Passes by.

Though the law,
and your boss,
say you're insane.

And your family
just can't get
inside your brain.

Through the view
of your youth,
you shall survive.

Though your mother
told you
fifteen thousand times.

Boy you better,
never, ever,
rock the boat.


Did you ever even think that you would
live long enough to make the tour?

Verse 2

There's a house
 just outside
 of your pain

No matter how,
you will succeed,
once again.

It just might
be your job
to fall in love.

Buy your brand new
baby a leather
baseball glove.

When your tour
brings you right
through this old town.

And your song,
of being wrong,
rocks the house down.

the day you were


Did you ever even think that you would
live long enough to make the tour?


Make the tour.
You will endure,
And through your heart's song,
We will ensure.

And though your heart's blue,
If you only want to,
If your heart's fond,
Will you be pure?

Be Pure

Your father always told you,
To always stay true.
But then he lied to you.

Sold you for a few Netflix shows.

Though it hurt you,
you always came through.
Do what you want to.

What does your psychiatrist know?

And I never even thought that I'd
survive long enough to make the tour.

They always told me to,
But they never wanted me to,
Really endure.

And it gets so easy
in this world that
we abjure.

 And I never even thought that I'd
survive long enough to make the tour.

Chorus 2

Make the tour,
Though you're not sure.
Bring your life back.
Bring your queens jewels.

If your love's pure,
they can never hurt you.
They can't have that.
Do you.

Do you.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Targeted Individual Anthem #6

By John Jenkins

Verse 1

Stayin' out
of prison
is the business
of winnin'

And this feelin'
got me illin',
like I'm killin'
with ceilings

I told God
that the road
that I chose
was hard.

Now I'm lauded.
Never thought
I'd see the
Demons departed.


Chorus 2X

I'm so stressed
with this test.
Why am I vexed?

I was the best,
then I was hexed.
Play Hexen less.

Gotta stay cool,
stay true to me.
Barracuda, be.

My flare
Will make others
To see.

Verse 2

Whatever test
I'm doing next,
and every day,
I'm in the fray.

I never
know quite
what a brother
might say.

I went to college,
but I was starving.
Then it was Heartland,
before this heartland.

I swear I
never thought
I'd see myself

Chorus 2X

Verse 3

In the beginning,
life was hard.
And some of us ain't winning
'cause we're begging and borrowing.

Never paid back nat.
If you want to be free,
to cruise the seas,
just take the game from me.

Like Harry Potter,
zoomin' on my push broom.

Like Vince Carter
Doin' my Doctor Dash Doom.

Ain't seen my replay
since six weeks ago.

Now I'm looking at
nothing but dough.

Chorus 2X

Monday, May 6, 2019

Trump Troubles

I still don't regret voting for Trump. He may very well end up being evicted (not to mention incarcerated) but I'm glad that this happened at this time. There are endless ways to succeed, if you just apply yourself.

200 Blog Posts In A Year?

My goal was to have 200 for the year, spread across all of my blogs. What I've learned is that achieving your goals is the hardest thing that you will ever do. It takes so much effort and time. But it wouldn't be worth it if it were easy. You wouldn't have chosen the goals that you chose if it were easy. Nobody does that. So be encouraged.