Friday, April 26, 2019


One time this lady told me: "Everything you do is perfect." I didn't understand what she really meant. I may never understand.

One Viewer

When I first saw my one view for my songs, I thought, that was my view. I supplied that. But now my next two posts have a view each, and I didn't view those. So, it appears that I have One Viewer, somewhere in the world, who enjoyed my content. Hello mine one viewer.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Live Just Keeps Getting Better

Even my gangstalking is going away. Life is always getting better. I've got so much good food to eat that I can't even eat as much anymore. I'm actually skipping meals now! I have an apartment that I never could've been able to afford under normal circumstances. This is the best time to be alive.

Bout The Songs

I don't know what happened. A few days ago I just hauled off and started writing songs. It came to me so easily then. I hope there are more to come. The first and the last are my favorites. The ones in the middle may prove to be a bit too short. I don't know. Who knows where this will lead.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Targeted Individual Anthem # 5

By John Jenkins

(Verse 1)

For my Targeted Individuals.

Even though we don't get residuals.

That this life makes you who you knew you were.

Not the worst thing that they do to hurt.

Was the first one with an Associate's

I go only with my associates.

doesn't leave you without a way to dream.

Do you ask for what has never been seen?

(Chorus - 2X)

All my Targeted Individuals.

'Cause they always knew just who you were.

That you'll never be in chains again.

That you won't let your life end in a den.

(Verse 2)

Is the world still blaming those who mourn?

Are we slaves as soon as we are born?

Couldn't they just tell the truth and fly?

Must I conquer Egypt before I die?

Is the end coming for those who lie?

Will a future life come for me to try?

Are the saints who we have come to trust.

Is the man who did all this to us?

(Chorus 2X)

Targeted Individual Anthem # 4

Taurin Land
by John Jenkins

(Verse 1)
Every day
In Taurin land.
Brothers pray,
And Sisters stand.

Every day
Through snow and storm
We are grateful
We were born.

When we die,
What will they say?
It's all lies.
Walk away.

When we die,
What does it mean?
Don't you cry.
Live your dreams.


Live your dreams.


(Verse 2)

I love you,
We are the same.
No one cares,
No one to blame.

I love you
And as we fly;
I'll be true
Until I die.

Where will we go
When it is done?
They may know.
We'll still have fun.

Where will we go
When it gets cold?
Play in snow.
Be strong and bold.

(Phrase 2)

Strong and bold.


(Verse 3)

When I was young,
My mother said.
You're not hung;
It's okay.

But as soon
As I messed up,
That was it.
No more love.

(Phrase 3)




Every day
In Taurin land.
Brothers pray
And Sisters stand.

Every day,
It's all the same.
Be we take
To war again.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Targeted Individual Anthem # 3

Why Me?
by John Jenkins

(Verse 1)

I could have had it all.
But I
Thought it wasn't worth my heart.

I could've called you crazy.
But my
Palpitations told me "maybe."

I could've got my de-gree.
But I
Thought it wasn't really me.

I could've lived with my mom.
But I
Hate to wear out my welcome.

(Bridge 1)

Staying out of prison.
Is a full-time job with full- time pay.
You'll know that you're winning.
If you can write a song and sing it, on your way.

(Verse 2)

I could've beat the game.
But sittin'
On my butt is getting lame.

I could've argued with him.
But he
Lost his family just like me.

I don't have much to declare.
But I
Made history with just my hair.

I'm sober and I'm free.
But I
Need the courage to be me.

(Bridge 2 - 2X)

Respect for women,
Is the only way to stay alive.
All of us are different.
The rules of justice still apply.

(Chorus 1 - 4X)

I say: why, why why,
Why, why, why, why,

Why me?

(Ending 1)

Why me?

Why not?

Targeded Individual Anthem # 2

Get Up, Get Up, Get Up
by John Jenkins

(Verse 1)

I lost my house and my car,
My balloons and my dog.
They only took it too far,
And now I'm sitting at the Bar.

It's creepin' and it's hard
And my heart if full of scars.
I've been loyal since the start,
Sufferin' 'cause I'm smart.

Why have you forsaken me Jesus?

Jesus where shall I go?

(Chorus - 2X)

Jesus said:

Get up, get up, get up; young brother, now.

Get up, get up, get up; young sister.

If you're fed up, fed up, fed up,

Then you're gonna be lit up, lit up, lit up.

(Verse 2)

I'm survivin' on welfare,
Other TIs are judging.
My friend of Facebook,
Told me to stop commenting.

The economy and healthcare.
Deuteronomy and self care.
Tell me what is really out there?
Why am I always in a Snap Mare?


(Chorus 4X)


If you want the Camaro,
And the cash in your hand.
Don't cry like a baby,
Come up with a plan.

Jesus said: hold out your hand.
Since the day this all began.
If you don't have hope,
Then you're building on sand.

In this great vast land,
There's a way out if you need it.
Not a form to be scanned,
But a steed if you lead it.

Jesus said you should heed it.
If you patient, you can speed it.
Don't ever blame god,
Because then you'll be defeated.

Don't eve blame god,
Even if you're an Atheist.


(Chorus - X4)

Targeted Individual Anthem # 1

Freedom Is My Compulsion
by John Jenkins

(Verse 1)

I woke up this morning,
With a heart full of sane.
I've just got my portion,
And I'm walking again.

Nobody said it would be this hard,
But I'm loving the game.
I've lived my life so far,
And I'll never complain.

(Bridge 1)

If you don't give up,

Nobody can take you away.

If you don't give up,

Just get up and enjoy today.

(Chorus 1 - X2)

Freedom is my compulsion.
I give it all my devotion.
Life has never been better.
A positive explosion.

(Verse 2)

So I caught me a movie,
And I read me a book.
Evil goes right through me,
And I'm getting loving looks.

Said goodbye to my background,
And the things of this world.
My love is all that I need now,
And I'll never be hurled.

(Bridge 2)

If you don't give up,

You'll see the way through your confusion.

If you don't give up,

You'll make success a foregone conclusion.

(Chorus 2 - 2X)

Freedom is my compulsion.
An automatic explosion.
I never wanted to fight it.
But now it shows my devotion.

(Bridge 3)

If you don't get up,

You'll never see the sun again.

If you don't get up,

You'll never be loved again.

(Bridge 4)

If you don't get up,

You'll never see why this all happened.

If you don't get up,

You'll never see the people's reaction.

(Chorus 3)

It's a freedom explosion.
I fight the evil extortion.
I never wanted to be there.
And what are they in control of?

(Chorus 4)

Freedom is my devotion.
A love and kindness explosion
I didn't want to ignite it.
A triumphant emotion.


Monday, April 15, 2019

My New Life

I can't force myself to do anything. I just want to watch success videos and contemplate success, but I don't want to do any actual WORK. I need this. For real, please. What's wrong with me?

No Turning Back

In 2008 I was convicted of a crime. In fact, I pled guilty at arraignment. That was it. No way out. Condemned for life. Everything's over. Don't worry, John. You don't need to worry. It's over. Just relax and enjoy the rest of your stay...

Friday, April 12, 2019

Free Julian Assange

Julian Assange is still "incarcerated"? A slave in his own home. We finna go break him out! Hold my beer!

The Thing I Have To Do

I need to keep moving forward. Whatever it takes. More than a year to the 2020 election. Whatever happened to early voting? I have rights!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Money For Me

Maybe I'll be poor forever. That's a possibility. It doesn't have to happen that way, but perhaps it will. I need to keep going forward. I will not end up like my father, if that's any consolation. Nothing in my life was like my father. Nothing. I never did (those things) that he did. I made it further than him. I'll never be accepted again, but I can move forward.

I Can't Belive...

I can't believe that I lived to see this. The first Fed mayor in Chicago. The first Cubs pennant in over a hundred years. The first time I had my own apartment. My first Jury Duty. The first ten years without my family. The first time I ever went viral. The first time I spent every dime in my checking account. Things are getting betta. You'll never know until you try.

My Days In 2020

This is what I'm going to do. I'm going to wait for 2020. I'm going to make sure I'm all "registered up" for the election. Then I'm going to "connect the dots" whilst I "connect the arrow." This has been a roller coaster ride so far. Trump has brought us across the threshold (pun intended). Whatever it takes for me to win, I will. Incidentally, my favorite candidates have won 4 out of the last 5 elections. The only one who lost was Bruce Rauner (but really, that doesn't count because Illinois is the one that really lost).

Monday, April 8, 2019

No Way Out!

What do I think about my future? I've already done more than I will ever have to do to succeed. I have done more for myself. I could end my life right now a happy man. I really want to get to these 200 blog posts this year. I already have three out of five of the year's goals accomplished, so that won't be a problem.

Hidin', Providin' Biden.

It turns out that Biden might not be "eligible" (enough) to run for president in 2020. It appears that the same program that the Democratic party created to prevent Trump from winning in 2016 is now preventing everyone but Trump from winning in 2020. Am I body shaming? Guilt shaming? Party shaming? Hardly. I just think it's strange how justice can often prevail instead.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Lesson For Life

I used to love Changes by Tupac. It was a great song. It wasn't until a few years ago that I discovered the real wealth that this captain of rap had to offer. This dude wrote, recorded and then didn't release, more hit songs than the entire "best of" albums of some artists. And that's not even limited to just rap artists.

Monday, April 1, 2019

People Get Ready

I got to meet my idol yesterday. It was oh-so-intimidating. Not really. He was just a normal person with a LOT of drive. Very helpful indeed.