Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Trump: Why Can't I Pick A Side?

Was it really a mistake to vote for Trump? Should I have voted for Kasich? Would my vote have made a difference either way? Every election win starts with one vote. I don't know. It's just that all of these tirades are a moot point. China is financing our lifestyle. There's more to being a Republican than whining like a liberal about all of the "unfair trade deals" that result in our junk bonds being bought up every year.

Although, there is something about Trump that appealed to me, and still does. There is something about him that makes me feel as though I could make it too, if I do the work. I want to work. That's what I want to do.

Our current lifestyle of endless debt and stifling creativity and responsibility whilst putting out more crap is unsustainable from a conservation standpoint. But the good thing is that I'm just a little bit less dogmatic than I was in 2012. I may even be a swing voter. Imagine that.

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