Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Trump: Why Can't I Pick A Side?

Was it really a mistake to vote for Trump? Should I have voted for Kasich? Would my vote have made a difference either way? Every election win starts with one vote. I don't know. It's just that all of these tirades are a moot point. China is financing our lifestyle. There's more to being a Republican than whining like a liberal about all of the "unfair trade deals" that result in our junk bonds being bought up every year.

Although, there is something about Trump that appealed to me, and still does. There is something about him that makes me feel as though I could make it too, if I do the work. I want to work. That's what I want to do.

Our current lifestyle of endless debt and stifling creativity and responsibility whilst putting out more crap is unsustainable from a conservation standpoint. But the good thing is that I'm just a little bit less dogmatic than I was in 2012. I may even be a swing voter. Imagine that.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The New Life

Life ends if you don't stoke the flames. So make a big flame. And don't forget. Your life will get better, bet on that. Have a nice day.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

For No One

I'm pretty sure that no one will ever read this, but success is the most difficult formula to discover in life. It's like an almost unbreakable code. The human brain has trillions of synapses, the world's most advanced computer. But even humans can't figure it out most of the time. If one were to figure out a way to make success 100% impossible, that would be an unbreakable code. A perfect cipher. Imagine hunting for cryptocurrencies using the world's most unbreakable cipher.

Monday, February 11, 2019

I Think I May Be In Trouble

It seems that all of my previous views were coming from Google+. So now that Google+ has closed, I'm irrelevant. I'm okay with that. The truth is that I abandoned my blogs for years, plus my potential viewers. It's only right that I should get abandoned in turn. You know, I don't think I really want to be successful. I think it's due to my religious upbringing. I guess that I assume that the way things are now is the way that God wanted them to be. I know I'm supposed to be an atheist, but I think that I'm still solidly religious in the deepest parts of me.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

What Does It All Mean?

What is the meaning of life? I either understand it instinctively or I understand that it's not important at all. For me, the purpose of life is to go from being a failure to being a success, or to go from being a "zero" to being "the one." This is what I'm trying to do every day. So, when you see me on the internet, I'm either blogging or watching educational material. Gotta love that educational material.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

This Week In Tech

In tech news today, Google announces that it will be eliminating Google + from it's web services platform. They claim, to paraphrase, that the low number of adopters (ahem) make it pointless to keep maintaining Google +. I should've known something was wrong when my Google + page had 3 million views and I didn't even do anything.

Facebook just appears to be buoyant and powerful in it's approach. No matter how much bad press the company receives, the company performs. It was unwise for Google to simply assume that it could do anything, but I can't blame them for trying. We need more people trying to build wealth around here (ahem). 

Friday, February 1, 2019

The First Thing

The first thing I would say to anybody thinking of starting a business is that success doesn't come overnight. When we look around, it seems like everyone just walked up to the success store and "filled up their tank," but that's not the case.

And it gets even more into the nitty-gritty details if you look at the way our society really works. I agree with Brendon Burchard, in that the most important aspect is your own curiosity. Your ability to look beyond the obvious and into the unknown is what will make or break your existence in this planar realm (A little LOTR parlance?).

Just think of it this way. When we went to school, we were force to learn our nouns, verbs and consonants and vowels on punishment of spanking and toy buybacks. But today, the only thing we will ever learn is what we genuinely want to know. Don't assume that "anybody" would want to become successful.

Well, everyone wants to become successful, but their definition of success is probably every-so-slightly different to your own. So there's that.

Also, remember that no matter what they say about you, you're okay in my book.