Thursday, March 28, 2019

Nas or Tupac?

Should it be Nas or Tupac, or should it be Tupac or The Outlaws? Yes, it is true that Nas was better at life, and surviving. But as far as being a rapper is concerned, Tupac made more hit songs by the end of 1996 than Nas's whole career! And I am a Nas fan. I'm just saying I'm also a Tupac fan.

Wonder who will be the next Tupac. Slim Shady was more of a shock jock than a rapper. P. Diddy has the worst flow of any rapper in history. The list goes on. Rap and conservative values go hand-in-hand.

No Need For Views

It seems that I have bypassed the entire capitalist system altogether. We've already had a spate of billion-dollar companies without profits (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram). Now we will have billion-dollar companies without ANYTHING! It seems silly, but pretty soon, we won't have to trick anybody. We will simply build intrinsic value and go from there.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Zero Views For Weeks

I'm not complaining. The truth is that I just really wanted to go out and get some blog posts up this year. I was tired of being sick and tired of not putting myself out there, of only thinking it was worth it if I got 2000 views out of the gate. But now I think differently. I want things to work better. I want things to be fun and interesting. But I have to do the work. A post that is never written is guaranteed to get zero views.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

My Idea Of Preparedness

Some people believe that the only way to prepare for a "crisis" is to "go to the range" and practice shooting. Look, Americans are the most well-armed populace in the world, and the government is still going nuts. People are being taxed to death, the government is intruding on everybody's rights. What I'm saying is that simply having a gun and knowing how to shoot is not going to stop the government from, for instance, tricking your child into going into debt for a piece of paper and then garnishing that child's (or your) wages for fifty years to pay back what you "owe".

As bold and courageous as conservatives think they are, the government is just that more cunning. They've even got us using their words, as if we actually believe in all of these witch hunts. That's why I firmly believe that Trump, while not being the perfect choice, is a step in the right direction. Reagan was a Hollywood actor, a leading man in Hollywood no less. He never should've been the great boon to success and personal responsibility that he was. Judging by Hollywood's standards, he should've been another Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby. Trump, in fact, has already surpassed Reagan's accomplishments.

My idea of preparing for the inevitable is by reading books. Opening your mind up to knowledge, not just flimsy magazine articles or political "journalism," is what is going to move the needle. Know yourself. Know your mind. If you had a gun, you might be more likely to kill yourself with it than an "intruder."

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A Panacea Of Preparedness

I keep hearing about how this is "the big one" and how we should all be "stockpiling," but it may not be so simple. How will we even know what we will need? There are so many different options. Should we focus on tech, self defense, food, sanitation, chemical? These are such vast aspects that one can hardly secure them all. What I would say is that humans will survive this. We survived everything else.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Oh Whatever Shall We Do?

What shall we do, those of us who are stuck, depressed, impressed upon? Wrecked, derelicked? What shall we do, those who have never discovered their true wealth, their optimism? Who have never discovered that theirs is a path that cannot be discounted, a world without shame, without pain, without discomfort. What shall be done for the ones who...can't remember their last good day? Their best seems so far long ago. But they, I, are still blessed.

We just need to eat a few more cans of Campbell's Chunky before we get the monkey off our backs.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Is America Really Done For?

It's always hilarious when I hear a certain liberal talk about how America is "done for." The proof that they display is dubious at best. They say that Americans are "losing jobs at a terrific rate, and the suicides!" Well, certain populations have never had the jobs, and they're not killing themselves. They didn't even kill themselves when the dogs and hoses were called in.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Is America Done For?

I was watching a video about Chris Hedges on Youtube yesterday. He's another liberal who claims that liberals are destroying the country whilst at the same time promoting liberal policies, chiefly unions. The problem is, if everybody is on the job because the union is keeping them there, who's doing the work? Who's producing the product? Also, what are minorities (legal minorities) and women going to do if we go all-union? Where will they work? Certainly not for the union.