Saturday, October 7, 2017

What about Trump?

What do I feel about the NFL protests? I'm extremely proud of all of the NFL players. It's amazing that these people, who make millions of dollars a year on average, are willing to risk everything to go after something they believe in. It really is a atheist miracle that these athletes, who, to be fair, are jocks, would care about something other than pythons and Bros long enough to take a stand. And I say this even though I completely disagree with them. Just as a fellow American I salute them. Moreso, I salute them for providing for their families in ways that I never could. Risking their knees, their fingers, and their brains for the greater good.

What this protest tells us is that we need more people like Trump in office. Trump brings the winner out of everybody, especially me. Voting for him last year made me feel like a winner, and I'm happy to announce that the reports of my hopelessness and demise were greatly exaggerated. If I know Trump like I think I do, he secretly loves NFL players, for their bravery in standing up to a President with a mandate. Even though the President could technically remove the NFL through executive order and make all of the players destitute, or at the very least get some of the players fired, they remain undeterred.

It seems like these "jocks" are taking a page out of Trump's playbook. Everyone told Trum that he was wrong. Everyone said he couldn't win. And now he's in the white house. In the same vain, everyone told these NFL players that they weren't smart enough to succeed, that they would spend the rest of their lives scraping by, that they would never see a mansion, much less own one. These players have done the impossible.

I don't watch sports, but I'm proud of these players. I think that this whole Trump debacle will end one of two ways. Either Republicans will see how people react to Trump and will resolve to stop complaining about minorities, or, what I'm hoping for, we will have ten more presidents just like Trump. Having lived in a one-party democratic city my whole life, I understand the liberal platform quite well. Kiss your butt to your face and then stab you in the back. As I've gotten older, I prefer to have somebody say it to my face than to have somebody go behind my back.

About the black men and police: If black men truly believe that the police are out to get them, that's okay. But the second these same blacks have a disagreement with one another, the first call is to a white cop. Which is it? When you want to get back at your siblings for defending themselves against you, you make sure that they get charged and convicted. You take off work to testify against them. You apply for numerous orders of protection. You rely more on white cops than white people do. No disagreement is too small to call a white cop. There are more calls to the police in black areas than white areas. I'm not saying to "stop snitching," because we need to snitch. I'm just saying that that blacks are pretending that they are different when they are more like us than we are. And if the democrats couldn't beat Trump 2016, how are they supposed to bring along the Law Enforcement Revolution?