Monday, May 15, 2017

Trump Over Reagan

I heard a few weeks ago that Trump had made some comments regarding the civil war. Apparently there was some kind of media "storm" about it. My first reaction was, when are they going to leave that man alone and let him work?

As usual, I ignored the fake news and went on about my day. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later that I actually read the quote. What did I think? I thought that it wasn't possible.

It was literally impossible to have one man be so utterly qualified for the office of president. Impossible. I could not believe that I'd had the pleasure, and the duty, of voting for the greatest president alive.

Who else could've come up with such a rational comment about the civil war? Hillary would've talked out of both sides of the mouth, talking about how "evil" southerners were, whilst acquiescing to the norther practice of denying blacks jobs until they create crimes of necessity and then incarcerating them for life, and their kids.

It seems like a sweet deal. We get a great president, they get something to whine about.

"But Andrew Jackson was a slave owner," they say.

Well, your job only exists because of slavery, liberal. Now all liberals should quit their jobs and give them to black men. Plus, the purpose of "No Gun States" was to prevent blacks from defending themselves from the KKK, so you can reverse that too. See how that works? You don't feel that you should have to pay for something that was natural back then? Well, if Andrew Jackson were alive, neither would he.

Don't like being blackmailed for things you didn't create? Neither do black ex-cons. So go easy on them.

I don't understand what is going on here. This is some kind of bizarro world. They try to guilt and shame, to prevent him from being president. But it was precisely this guilt, this shaming, that caused him to be president. Not to mention the constant jokes about his skin color and natural hair. Was that really the only thing you could come up with?

More recently I look on Yahoo! news and see a story about how Trump and the Republican congress have repealed Obama Care.
Am I mistaken, or is this the first time in American history that a major entitlement has been repealed? Do you now understand what I meant when I said that Trump already surpassed Reagan?

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Why Is McDonald's Flagging?

Why are McDonald's profits slowing? The answer is simple. One word, two syllables.


Subway is the upstart, the old upstart, that promised years ago that it would surpass McDonald's in number of restaurants nationwide. So how did subway win?

First of all, location. McDonald's are much easier to get to, but Subways are more economical. They are parked at free, open, well-lit locations that sort of lead you to the library, or lead you to work. It something to do on your way to do something else.

McDonald's, on the other hand, leads you to a cul-de-sac parking lot and a death trap eating area, full of cumbersome immovable furniture.

What else is there? Subway is the restaurant of the Proletariat, whereas McDonald's mainly targets the Steve Easterbrooks of the world as customers. What? Subway's cheaper. Not only that. Subway is cheaper, more filling, arguably better tasting, healthier and provides more energy.

If you go to Subway for breakfast, you can get the best-tasting, most filling and almost most affordable sub they have (Spicy Italian) for just $8.12, which includes a fountain drink that you can mix yourself. Suicides, anybody?

What does McDonald's have? Well, if you're going for the breakfast menu, you can get two Sausage McMuffins with Egg and a soda (no mixing allowed) for $8.60. That's an extra $14.88 per month in taxes.

But isn't two better than one?

Not exactly. Those two sausage McMuffins with egg are the size of doughnut holes and you'll be hungry within the next fifteen minutes again.